26 April 04 (second email)
Dear Mr Wiseman
Thank you for your usual speedy response.
I have amended the relevant copy as follows and hope it meets with your
approval: -
The fundamental flaw in the SGBP did not deter the Chairman of the Shell CMD,
Jeroen van der Veer and his Vice Chairman, Malcolm Brinded from circulating
messages to Shell employees worldwide last week (extracts below) quoting from
the “core values” of the SGBP which Mr Wiseman admits have no legal value
whatsoever. They are not binding on Shell and cannot be replied upon in court.
To use his precise terminology, Mr Wiseman has stated in writing that “there was
no intention to create a document for use in the courts. It was intended to lay
down a code of behaviour by which we think we should be judged by the public at
large and in this respect perhaps define higher standards than some other
commercial organisations impose upon themselves”. (our underlining)
We can only surmise that his recently departed senior colleagues (and some
remaining ones) forgot to read the SGBP which solemnly promise integrity,
honesty and transparency in all of Shell’s dealings. Mr Wiseman might like to
pretend otherwise but the bottom line is that like a bet with a bookmaker,
Shell’s much vaunted “core principles” are binding in honour only. In other
words, place your complete trust in an already discredited Shell management; in
the case of Van der Veer and Brinded, two key players already implicated (up to
their necks) in the oil reserves cover-up.
Kind regards
Alfred Donovan
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